High Pressure Tank Cleaning.

Todays, the effect of water borne diseases are well documented. Cholera, typhoid, hepatitis, dysentery, diarrhea… the list is endless. Yet, we find that the problem of safe drinking water is neglected or at most addressed only at the individual faminy level by having water purifiers etc.

Because of tanks are out of sight, no one pays much attention to them and over a period of time, dirt and organic matters accumulate and form a heavy sludge at the bottom of water tank. Consequently they aren’t properly maintained.

Thus they become a potential source of watation.er contamination from rats, bacteria, dirt build up etc. it is therefore essential that water tank must be cleaned scientifically and at regular intervals to ensure that they do not become a source of water contamination.


  • Our manpower is fully equipped and trains to do his job.
  • We are liable to pay their all dues in regular basis.
  • We completed the job within the committed time & schedule design.
  • We are responsible to complete our job with taking safety measure & customer satisfaction.

We all know prevention is certainly far better than cure ! So act fast and contact JET CLEAN to make your tanks clean and safe.